TMJ Treatment

We treat you like family

TMJ Treatment in
Greenville, SC

Jaw pain can be one of the most distracting dental concerns that our patients deal with. At Huggins Dental, we are here to help our patients restore their peace-of-mind and dental health. As your trusted dentists in Greenville, SC, we provide TMJ treatment to treat TMJ disorders which are often the source of jaw pain. TMJ disorders arise from issues with the temporomandibular joint of your jawbone.  When this happens, this lets us know that there are underlying dental concerns causing your pain. If you have a history of teeth grinding, or if you’re missing one or more teeth, this may be the source of your jaw pain. Additionally, if you hold your stress in your jawbone, this can also cause a TMJ disorder. We treat TMJ disorders with oral appliance therapy. Oral appliance therapy involves a customized nightguard, or a mouthguard that you wear at night, to hold your jaw in a better resting position as you sleep. 

Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy

Minimally invasivE



cost effective

FAQ: TMJ Treatment

How will a nightguard help my TMJ disorder?

A nightguard will hold your jaw in a better resting position as you sleep. Additionally, it will prevent you from grinding your teeth together or clenching your jaw as you sleep. Many of our patients find that their jaw pain is significantly decreased after they’ve used the nightguard because they are waking up with fully rested and recovered facial muscles. 

What can I do at home to help reduce my jaw pain?

Besides seeking TMJ treatment, you can practice mindfulness at home to reduce your jaw pain. Take several breaks throughout your day to relax you facial muscles and stretch your jaw around. This will help reduce the amount of tension held in your facial muscles. 

Why does my jaw hurt?

People experience jaw pain for a variety of reasons. Teeth grinding and jaw clenching are the most common culprits. Additionally, if you’ve experienced facial trauma, have a misaligned bite, or are missing a tooth, this can also cause jaw pain. Anything that affects your bite pattern can lead to jaw pain, as this puts additional pressure on your facial and mouth muscles. 

What are the symptoms of TMJ disorders?

TMJ disorders primarily present themselves with jaw pain. Additionally, you may notice a clicking or popping sound whenever you open or close your mouth. You may also experience tension headaches and earaches which stem from the added pressure that your facial muscles are under. You should report any of these symptoms to our doctors at your next dental appointment.